benefits of breastfeedingbenefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding impacts both Mom and Baby in Awesome Ways!
Benefits for Mom
It helps your uterus to contract after birth so that you don't bleed too much after birth.
It helps your uterus to continue to shrink down to pre-birth size.
It increases your positive emotions as the oxytocin hormone is stimulated. This prevents post-partum depression.
It stimulates the prolactin hormone which helps you go to sleep after feeding.
It has statistically been found to decrease the chances of your having ovarian cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis, and alzheimers.
Keeps baby more healthy, so mom misses less days at work due to infant illness, if she is working outside the home.
Costs less
Is easier to travel breastfeeding a baby compared to bottle feeding a baby.
Protects the environment: no packaging, no plastics, no waste.
Promotes bonding
Benefits for Baby
It feeds them! Every baby needs food!
It profoundly boosts their immune system {We could talk about that for days and days and days. Its complex, its profound, and it changes baby's life! }
Feeding at the breast creates a feedback system so that specific immunity boosters go to your baby as he/she needs them.
Breastfed babies have significantly less diarrhea, respiratory and ear infections.
The occurrence of serious childhood illnesses like asthma, type I diabetes, leukemia, and allergies is decreased.